By Diana | @18kst


Chiron is a minor planet and comet that is not typically noticed first when looking at a natal chart. However, it can tell you a lot about your path in life if you pay attention. By breaking down what different placements mean, it can help you figure out how to get back on the right track. The signs are the way this energy is expressed, and the house is the area of life where it manifests. Though the descriptions will be put together, the sign does not necessarily equal the house Chiron falls in, so keep that in mind.

The mythological figure Chiron was a centaur that was struck with a poisoned arrow. He was not killed because he was immortal, but he experienced great pain from this wound. He traveled the world in search for a cure, and became a gifted healer because of it. In astrology, Chiron represents deep wounding, but its placement can determine how we can help others. You can find your Chiron sign here, but you’ll need to calculate your natal chart to see what house it’s in.

Chiron in Aries or Chiron in the first house indicates core wounding surrounding the identity, body and one’s relation to the world. These natives either actively censor themselves or have others actively preventing them from living the life they want. These natives can also struggle with self-esteem, setting boundaries and advocating for themselves. People with this placement should learn to become more independent and get better at putting themselves first. They also should work on self-acceptance and becoming comfortable in their own skin. 

Someone with their Chiron in Taurus or in the second house may have some deep wounds involving their self-esteem, personal finances, values, possessions, money and voice. Perhaps they were not affirmed enough or felt like their confidence is torn down at every term. Others may have a complicated relationship with money or figuring out what matters to them. To help alleviate some of the wounds, try seeking guidance from an expert in these fields if the means to do so are available. It will also be important for natives with this placement to work on developing an abundance mindset.

Chiron in Gemini or in the third house can indicate core wounds related to communication, short-distance trips, siblings, early childhood, writing and technology. People with this placement may have their words twisted or struggle to express themselves. They may also have frequent mishaps with cars or technology, or may experience driving anxiety. If they have siblings, they may have complicated relationships with them. They may have also been bullied or bullied others in school. These natives should work on breaking down their experience with bullying, and thinking before they speak. They should also take note of whether they overthink or not, and try to work through it.

People with their Chiron in Cancer or in the fourth house experience deep wounding in matters surrounding the home, family, the past, the more nurturing parent, their roots and their childhood. Perhaps they feel a disconnect from their family, or like their family does not try to understand them. They may have had an unstable living situation or have bad memories of their past. They may be disconnected from their roots or their family may be a source of shame. The home or living arrangement itself may be shameful to them. For those who have this placement, try to understand that while you cannot choose who you’re related to, you can pick who belongs to your chosen family and they are no less important than blood relatives. Inner child work is also recommended, so try to incorporate the things you like into your life now as well.

Those with Chiron in Leo or in the fifth house may deal with significant wounding in regards to their interests, creative endeavors, the arts, parties, children, gambling, other risky behaviors and romance. They may have a hard time getting into a relationship and opening up, and they may feel like they are always being hurt when it comes to love. They may also have creative projects criticized harshly, be sensitive to constructive criticism or both. They are likely to suffer if they are not careful about overindulging. It is important that people with this placement have an outlet, and have a hobby they enjoy but don’t take too seriously. They also need to make sure they balance fun and their work, but also remember to make time to do things they love.

Chiron in Virgo or in the sixth house natives are likely to have their deep wounds deal with responsibility, work, organization, health, diet, routines, coworkers, and animals. People who have this placement may have dealt with a number of health issues throughout, struggle to stay organized, or have a very sensitive stomach. They may also be incredibly sensitive to any substances they use, including prescribed medications. They may deal with toxic work environments, such as always being expected to come in when someone can’t and being overworked. They may even have issues with their coworkers. These people should take care to get regular checkups, and avoid substance use in order to cope. They should also make sure they have a set routine and maintain a clean space, especially if they are prone to health issues.

Those with Chiron in Libra or in the seventh house may have issues relating to relationships, legal matters, business partnerships, marriage, and their perception of others. They may have a tendency to feel like they need a relationship, but at the same time, let their significant others walk all over them. It’s also possible that people with this placement end up in contracts that take advantage of them. They may also deal with manipulative business partners, or carry most of the burden themselves. These people may have a jaded view of other people because of their struggles with people close to them. The first house is across from the seventh house, so some inner work may be needed in order to help alleviate these issues. Reading contracts and not being afraid to negotiate for a better deal may also be helpful. The theme of this house is to not settle for less than you deserve and to walk away if it’s not good for you.

People who have their Chiron in Scorpio or in the eighth house have core wounds relating to intimacy, power dynamics, and control. Perhaps they have people around them who are incredibly controlling, whether they are friends, a significant other, roommates or family. They were allowed to do what they wanted, as long as it fell within the other person’s requirements. These natives may also have a hard time trusting others, as they may be prone to manipulation. It may be difficult for them to form close relationships with other people, and they may feel like they get abandoned during difficult times. They may also have to deal with more heavy issues than the average person. For people with this placement, evaluating who you open up to is very important. They should not stick around if someone hurts them deeply once, because that person is likely to do it again. I also recommend finding an outlet or going to therapy if you can’t handle things on your own anymore.

Those with Chiron in Sagittarius or in the ninth house typically experience deep wounds stemming from religion, their perception of the world, beliefs, travel, and higher education. They may grow up questioning their reality based on how other people reacted to their views as children. As a result, trusting one’s judgement may be challenging and require regular work. They may also have religious trauma and feel alienated from religion all together. These natives may have a particularly challenging time in higher education and could either drop out, take significantly longer to finish than expected, or burn themselves out in order to graduate on time. These natives need to learn to trust their intuition. I would also advise people with this placement to find something that fulfills them spiritually if they are no longer religious.

Chiron in Capricorn or in the tenth house natives may have core wounding regarding tenth house themes like career, public image, fame and achievement. These people may be the type of person that has an unflattering moment and wounds up being disliked, or they come off as too uptight and are judged for that. They may be judged very harshly or have a bad image as a result of self-inflicted behavior. They may also be passed over for opportunities, struggle with being in the public eye and have to earn respect more than others. These individuals may have to go above and beyond to be seen, or they should work for themselves. People with this placement need to recognize their worth. However, they should also be aware of how their actions look to other people, as this may be a reason for their suffering. Fixing things and making amends sincerely will go a long way to improving their image.

People with Chiron in Aquarius or in the eleventh house are likely to have issues regarding their friendships, groups or organizations, social media, hopes and wishes. These people may have trouble keeping friends and feel like they get stabbed in the back frequently. They may also be outcasts or find themselves suddenly isolated from communities. They may also struggle with manifesting and have their wishes end up crumbling, especially if they hurt other people. They are also likely to get in trouble with what they post on social media, mainly due to poor decision making on their part. They may also not be a fan of crowds or large groups, and get sucked into dangerous things because of who they associate with. These people need to choose their friends wisely and make sure they are hanging out with people who want the best for them. They should also always put their best foot forward on social media.

Those who have Chiron in Pisces or in the twelfth house may have their core wounds related to spirituality, mental health, the law, hospitals or their dreams. They may have frequent nightmares and find it hard to sleep. They may also be more prone to escapist tendencies as a way to cope, but at the same time, this is harmful for them. These people may also have extended stays at hospitals or in jail, if that applies. A number of these people may have grown up in a home with a parent who was too busy for them, or they have an absentee parent. People with this placement will need to actively work to feel spiritually fulfilled. They may also need to watch out for things or people working against them behind the scenes and protect their energy.

Also, check out the astrological analysis on Johnny Suh here!