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Ideas and inspirations for group order accounts:

My friend and I, who used to be an admin with me, loved doing group orders on our private accounts and decided to come together to make one big account. Sorting through albums and packing were something that was so fun for both of us. Also, just being able to help people in countries where some companies don’t ship to, or where shipping fees are really expensive, is so exciting. In addition to that, making little freebies for fans who join our group order is also fun!


Albums, stickers, phone cases, fan made merchandise, cups – pretty much everything. We also take requests from our followers for what they want us to open group orders for. 

Responsibilities as a group order manager (GOM):

Making sure that all orders get to the customers on time, communicating with them so they stay updated on everything, being responsible with their money, and making sure that everything is packed up nicely so nothing is damaged while on the way to them.

The most important thing in handling a group order account:

Communication. If customers aren’t updated on the status of things or on where their products are at or what status of production it’s in, it can lead to them not trusting you. They might think that they’re being scammed because they trusted their money with you.

Motivation and benefits gained from handling group order account:

My friends motivate me when it comes to this account. The benefits I’ve gained would definitely be that I got better at math! Having to do calculations of prices and everything definitely makes you better at that, as well as become more responsible since you’re dealing with others’ money.

Problems or issues encountered: 

I haven’t had any issues with customers so far, but we are going through something right now with a supplier who is not responding to our messages, as well as not responding to other group order managers’ messages.

Usage of Advertisement:

Most of our joiners actually occasionally promote our account to people on Facebook and to friends. I retweet it on my main account in case any of my followers are looking for a group order for their country. We also asked other group order managers, as well, to retweet our post if they can, and in return, we’ll retweet theirs.

Ways of securing funds for group order accounts:

For me, I have a job. I had to pick up extra shifts, and I saved up money to be able to get supplies for packaging and for business cards. As a group order manager, you do lose a lot of money, so having funds set aside really helps a lot.

Plans in 2 to 3 more years as a group order manager:

Maybe I’ll still be doing group orders in 2 or 3 more years. Right now, I’m a full-time student, so it’s a bit hectic, but I really enjoy doing it so there’s a possibility that I might still do it in the future.


Make sure that you’re able to squeeze time in to be able to sit aside and pack stuff, as well as making forms. Don’t be discouraged if when you first start it’s a bit slow and you’re not getting a lot of joiners, because after you start doing it for a bit, more fans start to join your group order from people recommending your account. Lastly, make sure that you’re having fun while doing it, and that it’s something that you really want to do since it can get stressful at times.


Check out other Group Order Accounts from our featured interview here.

Thumbnail: NCT Dream by @gnihknim