At a time when the world is at the tipping point of climate chaos, we believe it is important to do our best and help in any way we can. EnVi Media is happy to announce that we are collaborating with the Rotaract Club of Calumpit for the EnVi Giving Back for Environmental Literacy Project. The Rotaract Club of Calumpit is a community organization based in Bulacan, Philippines that has previously delivered community service programming focused on children’s education in the Philippines. In July 2020, the group organized the 160 for 160 Kids Project, where they prepared learning kits for 160 students, including school supplies and personal hygiene products. Given the organization’s resources and experience, we are confident that we can work together to launch a similarly successful campaign, this time with the goal of improving environmental literacy among students.

Image source: The Rotaract Club of Calumpit

What is Environmental Literacy and Why is it Important?

According to the ERIC Institute of Education Science, environmental literacy is “a basic consciousness, awareness and understanding of the individuals towards environmental issues.” Professional environmental educators often give short shrift to the media, but children obtain more environmental information (83%) from the media than from any other source. 

The Philippines remains one of the world’s most climate-vulnerable nations, having suffered from numerous environmental crises, including flooding and typhoons, in the past year alone. Research published by the International Journal of Environmental & Science Education in 2017 reported that high school students in the Philippines have only a moderate level of environmental knowledge and behavior, despite having a high level of environmental attitude and sensitivity.

Students may care about the environment and want to protect it, but are not well-informed on the concrete steps they can take to do so. EnVi aims to use this campaign to share valuable climate-focused resources to help boost environmental literacy among students in the Philippines from a young age.

image source: The Rotaract Club of Calumpit

Help Us Reach Our Goals

In collaboration with the Rotaract Club of Calumpit, EnVi will be working to raise $550 USD in order to provide school kits and activity books centered on climate change to 150 students. Over the course of the campaign period, EnVi will also be publishing articles and using social media channels to spark a broader conversation about environmental literacy online.

To join us in support this important cause, you can donate here:


we successfully raised enough to donate 180 school kits for young students in the Philippines! Thank you @RACCalumpit & to all who helped gave back!

For more info about the Rotaract Club of Calumpit, you can check Facebook page and Instagram.

You can give back to help India for COVID Relief here.